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Adroit HTP-1500
Adroit Medical Therapy Pump HTP-1500
Water therapy pump system by Adroit Medical. All pads are sold separately. 1 Year warranty
Internet Price: $695.00

Detailed Description

Quality Features & Clinical Benefits- effective pain relief, relax muscles, increase blood flow, promote healing, drug free, uses tap water, mercury free, 1 Year warranty, real-time display, biotech friendly. I.V. Pole Mount! optional.

Benefits and Reasons for Continuous Low Level Heat Therapy


FDA approved for use continuous with an unconscious patient. Unlike electric heating pads, the HTP-1500 can be sat on, slept on, and used continuously without fear of electric shock, burn or fire. The FDA advises against the use of electric heating pads and recommends water-circulating heat therapy systems like the HTP-1500 instead.1,2


UL approved for use in the presence of oxygen and medical equipment. Unlike electric heating pads3,4 the HTP-1500 is approved for use in an Operating Room. This means it can be used in the presence of gases such as oxygen. Also, the HTP-1500 is electrically shielded and will not interfere with other medical equipment that may be present.


FDA approved for use with diabetic patients. Unlike electric heating pads, the HTP-1500 can be used safely with diabetic patients. Diabetic patients should never use an electric heating pad because there is a risk of shock, burns or fire.5,6 Diabetic patients may use the HTP-1500 because it uses temperature controlled water through a flexible pad that cannot shock, burn or cause a fire. The HTP- 1500 has been sold to hospitals since 1998 and has never been associated with a skin injury. Controlled water temperature therapy is safe and effective for diabetics.7,8

1 FDA Public Health Advisory, Hazards associated with the use of electric heating pads, Dec 1995
2 Analysis of Burns Caused by Long-Term Exposure to a Heating Pad, Care Rehabil, 1991
3 Electric Heating Pad User Manual, Battle Creek Equipment, 2002
4 Liquid Oxygen System User Manual, Precision Medical, 2006
5 The Electric Blanket and Heating Pad Litigation Group, American Association for Justice, Jan 2007
6 Foot Care for People with Diabetes, American Family Physician, Sept 1999
7 Hot Tub Therapy Helps Diabetics, New England Journal of Medicine, Reuters Health, Sept 1999
8 Does Local Heating Really Help Diabetic Patients Increase Circulation, Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery

Additional Heat Therapy Benefits


"The 3 most commonly used interventions were nonmedicinal; rest, heat, and distraction." 1

"...heat pads also aid in a fibro massage. These are applied after the massage and help settle the muscles down while relaxing the nerve endings." 2

Pain Disorders

"This research also shows that only low levels of continuous topical heat (approximately 40°C or 104°F) are needed to increase deep tissue temperature and blood flow. Heat transfer is directly related to the temperature gradient, the surface area covered, and the duration of application. Low-level heat from nonelectric heating pads appears to provide better safety than electric heating pads." 3

Limited Cancer Applications

"DESCRIPTION: Local hyperthermia involves the use of heat to make tumors more susceptible to cancer therapy measures. POLICY: (A) Local hyperthermia is covered when used in connection with radiation therapy for the treatment of primary or metastatic cutaneous or subcutaneous superficial malignancies." 4,5

"Pain-relieving medications. To relieve pain during a sickle crisis, your doctor may advise over-the-counter pain relievers and application of warm heat to the affected area." 6

"Non drug treatments: ...Physical therapists can use gentle exercises and heat and cold treatments to help with sickle cell disease pain." 7

1. An internet survey of 2,596 people with fibromyalgia, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2007.
2. Fibromyalgia and Massage Therapy, Fibro & Fatique Today Winter 2008
3. A new look at heat treatment for pain disorders, American Pain Society Vol.14, No.6 2004
4. Hyperthermia For Treatment of Cancer, CHAMPVA Policy Manual Chapter 4, Sec. 4.6 2002
5. Medicare Coverage Issues Manual, Transmittal 131, HFCA-Pub. 6, 35-49, Nov 2000
6. Sickle cell anemia, Treatment,, Tools for Healthier Lives, Mar 2007
7. Dept Pain Medicine & Palliative Care, Beth Israel University Hospital, No date

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